2025. January 21., Tuesday

International Conference Proceedings



R. Flender, A. Borzsonyi, V. Chikan Theoretical investigation of terahertz generation from two-color laser pulse ionized gases: the role of the thickness of the nonlinear crystal SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 2019, 01-04 April 2019, Prague, Czech Republic


R. Flender, A. Borzsonyi, V. Chikan Theoretical investigation of terahertz generation from two-color laser pulse ionized gases: the role of the thickness of the nonlinear crystal

SPIE Digital Library, Proc. SPIE 11026, Nonlinear Optics and Applications XI, 110260I (30 April 2019); doi: 10.1117/12.2520406; https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2520406


R. Flender, K. Sárosi, Á. Börzsönyi, B. Kiss and V. Chikán,

Theoretical investigation of the role of the nonlinear crystal thickness during THz generation from two-color laser pulse ionized N2

SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics, Prague, Czech Republic, 1 Apr 2019


R. Flender, B. Kiss, A. Borzsonyi, V. Chikan THz generation from mid-infrared two-color laser pulses in air and a simple method for controlling the THz intensity SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 2019, 01-04 April 2019, Prague, Czech Republic


R. Flender, B. Kiss, A. Borzsonyi, V. Chikan THz generation from mid-infrared two-color laser pulses in air and a simple method for controlling the THz intensity

SPIE Digital Library, Proc. SPIE 11026, Nonlinear Optics and Applications XI, 1102611 (30 April 2019); doi: 10.1117/12.2520408; https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2520408


M. Horváth, T. Grósz, B. G. Nagyillés, K. Vuković, A. P. Kovács Complete dispersion characterization of microstructured optical fibers using windowed Fourier-transform spectral interferometry

SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 2019, 01-04 April 2019, Prague, Czech Republic


M. Horváth, T. Grósz, B. G. Nagyillés, K. Vuković, A. P. Kovács Complete dispersion characterization of microstructured optical fibers using windowed Fourier-transform spectral interferometry

SPIE Digital Library, Proc. SPIE 11029, Micro-structured and Specialty Optical Fibres VI, 110290Q (15 April 2019); doi: 10.1117/12.2520571; https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2520571


A. Andrásik, R. Flender, J. Budai,T. Szörényi, B. Hopp Single-shot surface ablation and transient reflectivity changes of optical glasses induced by 34 fs laser pulses

SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 2019, 01-04 April 2019, Prague, Czech Republic


A. Andrásik, R. Flender, J. Budai, T. Szörényi, B. Hopp Single-shot surface ablation and transient reflectivity changes of optical glasses induced by 34 fs laser pulses

SPIE Digital Library, Proc. SPIE 11034, Short-pulse High-energy Lasers and Ultrafast Optical Technologies, 110340T (26 April 2019); doi: 10.1117/12.2523006; https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2523006


Sz. Tóth, T. Stanislauskas, I. Balčiūnas, R. Budriūnas, G. Veitas, D. Gadonas, J. Csontos, Á. Börzsönyi and K. Osvay,

Numerical investigation of broadband NOPCPA schemes for sub-6.5 fs, 5 TW, 1 KHz pulses of the ELI-ALPS SYLOS laser system

SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics, Prague, Czech Republic, 1 Apr 2019


Sz. Tóth, T. Stanislauskas, I. Balčiūnas, R. Budriūnas, G. Veitas, D. Gadonas, J. Csontos, Á. Börzsönyi and K. Osvay,

Numerical investigation of broadband NOPCPA schemes for sub-6.5 fs, 5 TW, 1 KHz pulses of the ELI-ALPS SYLOS laser system

SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics, Prague, Czech Republic, 1 Apr 2019


K. Osvay, Á. Börzsönyi, H. Cao, E. Cormier, J. Csontos, P. Jójárt, M. P. Kalashnikov, B. Kiss, R. Lopez-Martens, Sz. Tóth and Z. Várallyay,

Development status and operation experiences of the few cycle high average power lasers of ELI-ALPS

SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics, Prague, Czech Republic, 1 Apr 2019


R. S. Nagymihály. (invited), D. Charalambidis, Á. Börzsönyi, P. Dombi, C. Kamperidis, R. Lopez-Martens, G. Mészáros, K. Osvay, G. Sansone, K. Varjú and S. Varró,

ELI-ALPS: implementation status and first commissioning experiments

SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics, Prague, Czech Republic, 1 Apr 2019


R. S. Nagymihály, P. Jójárt, I. Seres, Z. Várallyay and K. Osvay,

Wavefront abberations of mirrors under high average-power lasers

SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics, Prague, Czech Republic, 1 Apr 2019


R. S. Nagymihály, H. Cao and V. Chvykov,

kW-class thin-slab amplifiers based on Ti:Sapphire

SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics, Prague, Czech Republic, 1 Apr 2019


R. S. Nagymihály. (invited), R. S. Nagymihály, H. Cao, V. Chvykov, P. Jójárt, V. Zuba, R. Flender, O. Antipov, I. Seres, Á. Börzsönyi, N. Khodakovskiy, K. Osvay and M. P. Kalashnikov,

Energetic few-cycle pulses by polarization-encoding in Ti:Sapphire: on the compression, carrier-envelope phase stability and decoding efficiency

SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics, Prague, Czech Republic, 1 Apr 2019


H. Cao, R. S. Nagymihály, V. Chvykov, N. Khodakovskiy and M. P. Kalashnikov,

Few-cycle radially and azimuthally polarized pulses from post-compression in a multipass cell

SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics, Prague, Czech Republic, 1 Apr 2019


Á. Börzsönyi

Pulse compression from NIR to MIR

German-Hungarian Innovation Workshop, Szeged, Hungary, 20 Feb 2019




R. S. Nagymihaly, H. Cao, P. Jojart, V. Zuba, R. Flender, O. Antipov, I. Seres, A. Borzsonyi, V. Chvykov, K. Osvay, and M. Kalashnikov, „Gain induced phase changes in Ti:Sapphire: key to phase stability of ultra-broadband laser amplification,” in International Committee of Ultrahigh Intensity Lasers 2018 Conference, 9-14 September 2018, Lindau, Germany.


V. Chvykov, R. S. Nagymihaly, H. Cao, P. Jojart, V. Zuba, M. Kalashnikov, A. Borzsonyi, V. Chvykov, and K. Osvay, "Multi-kW Average Power Thin Disk -Slab Ti:Sa Amplifiers," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 13-18 May 2018, San Jose, California, USA.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1364/CLEO_AT.2018.JF2C.2


V. Chvykov, R. S. Nagymihaly, H. Cao, "Thin Disk -Slab Ti:Sa Amplifiers," in International Committee of Ultrahigh Intensity Lasers 2018 Conference, 9-14 September 2018, Lindau, Germany, paper ID 87.


R. S. Nagymihaly, H. Cao, P. Jojart, V. Zuba, M. Kalashnikov, A. Borzsonyi, V. Chvykov, and K. Osvay, "Frequency resolved measurement of population inversion induced refractive index changes in Ti:Sapphire," High Intensity Lasers and High-Field Phenomena (HILAS), 26-28 March 2018, Strasbourg, France. conference taks

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1364/HILAS.2018.HT3A.5


Roland Flender, Krisztina Sárosi, Adam Borzsonyi, Viktor Chikán, „The mpact of GDD and phase difference of ultrashort light pulses on the THz spectrum generated from two-color asymmetric air plasma

SPIE Photonics Europe 2018, Strasbourg, France, 2018.04.22-26.


Roland Flender,  Krisztina Sarosi, Ervin Petracs, Adam Borzsonyi, Viktor Chikan „The impact of dispersion and phase difference of ultrashort light pulses on the THz intensity generated from two-color asymmetric air plasma ” LAMELIS Workshop, Szeged, 2018.07.20.


Mercédesz Horváth, Attila Pál Kovács, Tímea Grósz „Measurement of dispersion properties of hollow-core photonic crystal fiber using windowed Fourier-transform spectral interferometry ” LAMELIS Workshop, Szeged, 2018.07.20.


Varinia Kürti, Róbert Polanek, Roland Flender, János Csontos, Emilia Rita Szabó, Tünde Tőkés, Zoltán Imre Szabó, Szilvia Brunner, Ádám Börzsönyi, Katalin Hideghéty, Károly Osvay „Dosimetric examination of the ionizing effect of laser filaments ” LAMELIS Workshop, Szeged, 2018.07.20.


Tamás Somoskői, Csaba Vass, Péter Jójárt, Péter Sántha, Károly Osvay „Improvement of laser-induced damage detection methods” LAMELIS Workshop, Szeged, 2018.07.20.


Balázs Antalicz, Mihály Görbe, Ádám Börzsönyi „Spectral phase reconstruction of ultrashort laser pulses by measuring spectral broadening in thin fuse silica plates” LAMELIS Workshop, Szeged, 2018.07.20.


R. S. Nagymihaly, H. Cao, P. Jojart, V. Zuba, M. Kalashnikov, A. Borzsonyi, V. Chvykov, and K. Osvay, "Inversion caused spectral phase shift in a broadband Ti:Sapphire amplifier at room and cryogenic temperatures," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 13-18 May 2018, San Jose, California, USA. conference talks

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1364/CLEO_SI.2018.SM4N.7


J. Csontos, Zs. Tóth, Zs. Pápa and J. Budai,

Ultrafast Imaging Ellipsometry

ELIPs 2018, Prague, Czech Republic, 13 Nov 2018


M. P. Kalashnikov, V. Chvykov, N. Khodakovskiy, R. S. Nagymihály and K. Osvay,

Future of Ti:Sapphire lasers: combining high peak and average power.

AT-RASC 2018 conference, Gran Canaria, Spain, 28 May 2018


M. P. Kalashnikov, V. Chvykov, N. Khodakovskiy, R. S. Nagymihály and K. Osvay,

Future of Ti:Sapphire lasers: combining high peak and average power

18th International Conference on Laser Optics, San Jose, California, USA, 16 May 2018


K. Osvay

First Intense, phase controlled, few cycle laser sources in the ELI Attosecond Facility

Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2018), San Jose, California, USA, 13 May 2018


R. S. Nagymihály, Á. Börzsönyi, V. Chvykov, P. Jójárt, M. P. Kalashnikov, K. Osvay and V. Zuba,

Inversion caused spectral phase shift in a broadband Ti:Sapphire amplifier at room and cryogenic temperatures

Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2018), San Jose, California, USA, 13 May 2018


K. Osvay, Á. Börzsönyi, D. Charalambidis, E. Cormier, L. J. Fülöp, M. P. Kalashnikov, C. Kamperidis, B. Kiss, R. Lopez-Martens, G. Sansone, Z. Várallyay and K. Varjú,

First intense, phase controlled, few cycle laser sources in the ELI Attosecond Facility

Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2018), San Jose, California, USA, 13 May 2018


T. Stanislauskas, J. Adamonis, I. Balčiūnas, Á. Börzsönyi, R. Budriūnas, A. Michailovas, K. Osvay and Sz. Tóth,

Towards Sub-2 cycle, Several-TW, 1kHz OPCPA System Based on Yb:KGW and Nd:YAG Lasers

Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2018), San Jose, California, USA, 13 May 2018


T. Stanislauskas, J. Adamonis, I. Balčiūnas, Á. Börzsönyi, R. Budriūnas, D. Gadonas, A. Michailovas, K. Osvay, Sz. Tóth and G. Veitas,

Towards Sub-2 cycle, Several-TW, 1kHz OPCPA System Based on Yb:KGW and Nd:YAG Lasers

Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2018), San José, California, USA, 5 May 2018


K. Osvay

Laser Based Research Technologies at ELI-ALPS

ALPS 2018, Yokohama, Japan, 24 Apr 2018


K. Osvay, Á. Börzsönyi, D. Charalambidis, E. Cormier, A. Czirják, L. J. Fülöp, M. P. Kalashnikov, C. Kamperidis, B. Kiss, R. Lopez-Martens, G. Sansone and Z. Várallyay,

Laser-based research technologies at ELI-ALPS

The 7th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources, Yokohama, Japan, 24 Apr 2018


R. Flender, K. Sárosi, E. Petrács, Á. Börzsönyi and V. Chikán,

Controlling Terahertz Spectrum in Asymmetric Air Plasmas: the Role of Gdd and Phase

SPIE Photonics Europe, SPIE 2018, Strasbourg, France, 22 Apr 2018


K. Osvay, Á. Börzsönyi, D. Charalambidis, E. Cormier, L. J. Fülöp, M. P. Kalashnikov, C. Kamperidis, B. Kiss, R. Lopez-Martens, G. Sansone, Z. Várallyay and K. Varjú,

Few-cycle high intensity lasers for attoscience at ELI-ALPS

The 3rd International Symposium on High Power Laser Science and Engineering, Suzhou, China, 9 Apr 2018


A. Tajalli, F. Boehle, H. Crespo, J. Csontos, E. Escoto, S. Kleinert, R. Lopez-Martens, U. Morgner, T. Nagy, M. Ouille, R. Romero, G. Steinmeyer and A. Vernier,

XPW and SHG d-scan characterization of sub-1.5-cycle pulses

OSA’s High-Brightness Sources and Light-Driven Interactions Congress (HILAS 2018), Strasbourg, France, 26 Mar 2018


K. Osvay

Few cycle high intensity lasers of and related developments in ELI-ALPS

OSA’s High-Brightness Sources and Light-Driven Interactions Congress (HILAS 2018), Strasbourg, France, 26 Mar 2018


N. Thiré, P. Bizouard, E. Cormier, C. Ferchaud, N. Forget, S. Jarosch, B. Kiss, R. Maksimenka, K. Osvay and V. M. di. Pietro,

A 15-W, Few-Cycle and Ultra-Stable Mid-infrared Parametric Source for ELI-ALPS

OSA’s High-Brightness Sources and Light-Driven Interactions Congress (HILAS 2018), Strassbourg, France, 26 Mar 2018


Sz. Tóth, Á. Börzsönyi, H. Cao, V. Chvykov, P. Jójárt, M. P. Kalashnikov, R. S. Nagymihály, K. Osvay and V. Zuba,

Frequency resolved measurement of population inversion induced refractive index changes in Ti:Sapphire

OSA’s High-Brightness Sources and Light-Driven Interactions Congress (HILAS 2018), Strasbourg, France, 26 Mar 2018


Sz. Tóth, H. Cao, V. Chvykov, M. P. Kalashnikov and K. Osvay,

Cascaded Extraction OPCPA – A Highly Efficient Power Amplifier Design

OSA’s High-Brightness Sources and Light-Driven Interactions Congress (HILAS 2018), Strasbourg, France, 26 Mar 2018


B. Major, D. Charalambidis, M. Dumergue, B. Farkas, K. Kovács, S. Kühn, A. L'Huillier, B. Nagyillés, K. Osvay, P. Rudawski, G. Sansone, V. Toşa, P. Tzallas and K. Varjú,

The ELI ALPS Research Infrastructure: Scaling Attosecond Pulse Generation for a Large Scale Infrastructure

OSA’s High-Brightness Sources and Light-Driven Interactions Congress (HILAS 2018), Strasbourg, France, 26 Mar 2018

J. Csontos, J. Budai, Zs. Pápa and Z. Tóth,

Ultrafast in-situ ellipsometry for studying interactions of laser pulses and material surfaces

10th Workshop Ellipsometry, Chemnitz, Germany, 21 Mar 2018


M. Kovács, Á. Börzsönyi, I. Seres, A. Sipos and T. Somoskői,

Measurement of the dispersion properties of large aperture mirrors at arbitrary incidence angle and polarization state

SPIE Photonics West 2018, San Francisco, California, USA, 30 Jan 2018


S. Breitkopf, T. Eidam, S. Hädrich, P. Jójárt, M. Kienel, J. Limpert, K. Osvay, E. Shestaev and Z. Várallyay,

Ultrafast fiber lasers using coherent combination: TW pulses at 100kHz and beyond

SPIE Photonics West 2018, San Francisco, California, USA, 27 Jan 2018


M. Kovács, Á. Börzsönyi, I. Seres, A. Sipos and T. Somoskői,

Measurement of the dispersion properties of large aperture mirrors at arbitrary incidence angle and polarization state

SPIE Photonics West 2018, San Francisco, California, USA, 27 Jan 2018


J. Csontos, P. Dombi and J. Budai,

Ellipsometry of surface plasmons

ELiPs 2018, Prague, Czech Republic, 12 Nov 2018


R. S. Nagymihály, O. Antipov, Á. Börzsönyi, H. Cao, V. Chvykov, R. Flender, P. Jójárt, K. Osvay, I. Seres and V. Zuba,

Gain induced phase changes in Ti:Sapphire: key to phase stability of ultra-broadband laser amplification

ICUIL 2018, Lindau, Gemany, 9 Sep 2018


R. Flender

The impact of dispersion and phase difference of ultrashort light pulses on the THz intensity generated from two-color asymmetric air plasma

ELISS 2018, Szeged, Hungary, 27 Aug 2018


B. Kiss, Sz. Tóth, M. Kurucz, L. Haizer, R. Flender, E. Cormier and K. Osvay,

Few-cycle mid-infrared optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier at ELI-ALPS

ELISS 2018, Szeged, Hungary, 27 Aug 2018


R. Flender, Á. Börzsönyi, V. Chikán, E. Petrács and K. Sárosi,

The impact of dispersion and phase difference of ultrashort light pulses on the THz intensity generated from two-color asymmetric air plasma

LAMELIS 2018, Szeged, Hungary, 11 Jul 2018


Sz. Tóth, V. Chvykov, M. P. Kalashnikov and K. Osvay,

Cascaded Extraction OPCPA – A Highly Efficient Power Amplifier Design

OSA’s High-Brightness Sources and Light-Driven Interactions Congress (HILAS 2018), Strassbourg, France, 26 Mar 2018




Varinia Kürti, Róbert Polanek, Roland Flender, Emilia Rita Szabó, Tünde Tőkés, Szilvia Brunner, Zoltán Imre Szabó, Máté Kovács, Ádám Börzsönyi, Katalin Hideghéty, Károly Osvay, „Study of biological effects of femtosecond IR laser-beam filamentation for cancer therapy”, EUCALL Workshop: Biology at Advanced Laser Light Sources, Schenefeld, Germany, 30 November – 1 December 2017


R. S. Nagymihaly, P. Jojart, A. Borzsonyi*, H. Cao, M. Kalashnikov, V. Chvykov, and K. Osvay, „Spectral phase noise upon amplification in Ti:Sapphire: effects of cooling and polarization encoding,” in Ultrafast Optics XI, 8-13 October 2017, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, USA, paper P1.4.

URL: http://ultrafastoptics2017.org/content/3-schedule/2-full-program/ufo_xi_program.pdf


M. Kalashnikov, V. Chvykov, H. Cao, R. Nagymihaly, N. Khodakovskiy, "Future of Ti:Sapphire lasers: combining high peak and average power," International Conference on Extreme Light, 6-9 November 2017, Szeged, Hungary.

URL: https://www.eli-alps.hu/indico/event/12/program


Roland Flender, Krisztina Sárosi, Adam Borzsonyi, Viktor Chikán The Impact of GDD and Phase Difference of Ultrashort Light Pulses on the THZ Radiation Generation from Two-Color Asymmetric Air Plasma

International Conference on Extreme Light, 6-9 November 2017, Szeged, Hungary.


R. S. Nagymihaly, P. Jojart, A. Borzsonyi, H. Cao, M. Kalashnikov, V. Chyvkov, J. Limpert, T. Mocek, and K. Osvay, "Investigation of spectral phase stability issues in ultrafast laser systems by spectrally resolved interferometry," International Conference on Extreme Light, 6-9 November 2017, Szeged, Hungary.

URL: https://www.eli-alps.hu/indico/event/12/program


R. Nagymihaly, H. Cao, P. Jojart, M. Kalashnikov, A. Borzsonyi, V. Chvykov*, K. Osvay, "Carrier-Envelope Phase Stability in a Polarization-Encoded Ti:Sa amplifier," in Advanced Solid State Lasers Conference, 1-5 October 2017, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan, paper AW1A.5.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1364/ASSL.2017.AW1A.5


V. Chvykov, R. Nagymihaly, H. Cao, M. Kalashnikov, and K. Osvay, "High Peak Power and Repetition Rate Laser Systems with Thin Disk Ti:Sa Amplifiers," in Frontiers in Optics 2017, 18-21 September 2017, Washington, D.C. USA, paper LW5F.2.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1364/LS.2017.LW5F.2


Roland, Flender; Krisztina, Sarosi ; Adam, Borzsonyi ; Viktor, Chikan

The impact of GDD and phase difference of ultrashort light pulses on the THz radiation generation from two-color symmetric air plasma (2017)

Conference on Extreme Light 2017 Szeged, Hungary 6-9 November 2017, Magyarország,


Máté Kovács, Tamas Somoskoi, Imre Seres, Ádám Börzsönyi, Áron Sipos, Károly Osvay

Dispersion measurement on chirped mirrors at arbitrary incidence angle and polarization state,

SPI Optics+Optoelectronics 2017 conference talks


Frederik Böhle, Aline Vernier, Martin Kretschmar, Aurélie Jullien, Máté Kovács, Rosa M. Romero, Helder M. Crespo, Tamás Nagy, Rodrigo López-Martens,

TW-class hollow-fiber compressor with tunable pulse duration,

SPI Optics+Optoelectronics 2017 conference talks


Tomas Stanislauskas, Rimantas Budriunas, Gediminas Veitas, Darius Gadonas, Jonas Adamonis, Aidas Aleknavičius, Gžegož Masian, Zenonas Kuprionis, Dominik Hoff, Gerhard G. Paulus, Ádám Börzsönyi, Szabolcs Toth, Máté Kovács, János Csontos, Rodrigo López-Martens, Károly Osvay,

Performance tests of the 5 TW, 1 kHz, passively CEP-stabilized ELI-ALPS SYLOS few-cycle laser system,

SPI Optics+Optoelectronics 2017 conference talks


M. Kovacs, T. Somoskoi, I. Seres, A. Börzsönyi, A. Sipos

Dispersion Measurement of Large Aperture Mirrors at Arbitrary Incidence Angle and Polarization State

UFO 2017 conference poster:


Attila Andrásik, Szabolcs Toth, Roland S. Nagymihály, Péter Jójárt, Roland Flender, Ádám Börzsönyi, Károly Osvay

Development of few cycle Ti:Sapphire and NOPA amplifiers at 80MHz repetition rate

SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 2017, Prague, Clarion Congress Hotel, 2017.

04. 24-27. 10238-36


Katalin Csonti, Veronika Hanyecz, Gergő Mészáros, Attila Pál Kovács

Measuring Polarization Dependent Dispersion of Non-Polarizing Beam Splitter Cubes with Spectrally Resolved White Light Interferometry

SPIE Digital Library, 26, June, 2017


Krisztina Sárosi, Roland Flender, ÁdámBörzsönyi, Viktor Chikan,

The Impact of Dispersion of the Ultrashort Light Pulses ont he THz Radiation Formation from Asymmetric Air Plasmas

10228-47, Session PS

SPIE Digital Library, 16, May, 2017


Robert Polanek, Emilia Szabó, Tünde Tokés, Zoltán Szabó, Máté Kovács, Roland Flender, Bálint Kiss, Bettina Ughy, Ádám Börzsönyi, Emese Huszár, Varinia Kürti, Katalin Hideghéty, Károly Osvay

Study of Biological Effects of femtosecond IR Laser Beam Filamentation for Cancer Teraphy

10239-20, Session PS


R. Polanek, E. R. Szabó, T. Tőkés, Z. I. Szabó, Sz. Brunner, R. Flender, B. Kiss, Á. Börzsönyi, V. Kürti, E. Huszár, K. Hideghéty and K. Osvay,

Study of Biological Effects of Femtosecond Ir Laser-Beam Filamentation for Cancer Therapy

SPIE Optics and Optoelectronics, Prague, Czech Republic, 26 Apr 2017


R. Flender, K. Sárosi, A. Borzsonyi, V. Chikan

The impact of dispersion of the ultrashort light pulses on the THz radiation formation from asymmetric air plasmas

SPIE Digital Library, 16 May 2017



R. Flender, K. Sárosi, A. Borzsonyi, V. Chikan

The Impact of Dispersion of the Ultrashort Light Pulses on the THz Radiation from Asymmetric Air Plasmas

SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 2017, Nonlinear Optics and Applications

X, Prague, Czech Republic, 2017. 04. 24-27. doi:10.1117/12.2265663



H. Cao, M. Kalashnikov, K. Osvay, N. Khodakovskiy, R. Nagymihaly, V. Chvykov

Active spectral shaping with polarization encoding of chirped pulses in Ti:sapphire amplifiers

Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, OSA Technical Digest (online)

(Optical Society of America, 2017), paper CA-P.17.


V. Chvykov, R. Nagymihaly, H. Cao, M. Kalashnikov, K. Osvay

Ti:Sapphire as Perspective Active Media for Thin Disk Lasers and Amplifiers

Advanced Solid State Lasers Conference 2017.


R. Nagymihaly, H. Cao, P. Jojart, M. Kalashnikov, A. Borzsonyi, V. Chvykov, K. Osvay

Measurement of the Carrier-Envelope Phase Noise in a Polarization-Encoded Ti:Sapphire Amplifier

14th International Conference on Multiphoton Processes 2017


R. S. Nagymihaly, H. Cao, M. Kalashnikov, N. Khodakovskiy, L. Ehrentraut, K. Osvay and V.Chvykov,

Thin Disk Ti:Sapphire amplifiers for Joule-class ultrashort pulses with high repetition rate,

SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics, paper 10238-11 (2017).


R. S. Nagymihaly, P. Jojart, A. Borzsonyi, K. Osvay,

Measurement of spectral phase noise in a cryogenically cooled Ti:Sa amplifier,

SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics, paper 10238-12 (2017).


R. S. Nagymihaly, P. Jojart, A. Borzsonyi, K. Osvay,

Spectral phase instabilities during amplification in Ti:Sapphire,

Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2017, paper SM3I.7 (2017).


Andrásik, A., Toth, Sz., Nagymihály, R.S., Jójárt, P., Flender, R.,Börzsönyi, Á., Osvay, K.

Development of few-cycle Ti-Sapphire and NOPA amplifiers at 80 MHz repetition rate

SPIE Optics and Optoelectronics, 24-27 April 2017,

Clarion Congress Hotel Prague, Czech Republic


V. Chvykov, R. Nagymihaly, H. Cao, M. Kalashnikov, K. Osvay,

High Repetition Rate Thin Disk Ti:Sa Amplifiers for Sub-PW class Laser Systems,

Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2017, paper STu1O.5 (2017).


P. Jójárt, J. Csontos, Á. Börzsönyi, R. S. Nagymihály, T. Eidam, J. Limpert, K. Osvay,

Interferometric phase noise measurement of water-cooled mirrors for high average-power femtosecond lasers,

SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics, paper 10238-38 (2017).


R. S. Nagymihaly, H. Cao, D. Papp, G. Hajas, M. Kalashnikov, K. Osvay, V. Chvykov

Watercooled Thin Disk Ti:Sapphire Amplifiers for kW Average Power,

European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference 2017, paper CA-P.28 (2017).


Á. Börzsönyi

Perfomance tests of the 5TW, 1 kHz, passively CEP-stabilized ELI-ALPS SYLOS few-cycle laser system

ELI Science Day, Szeged, Hungary, 11 Jul 2017


Á. Börzsönyi and R. S. Nagymihály,

Spectral phase instabilities during amplification in Ti:Sapphire

CLEO 2017, San Jose, USA, 14 May 2017


Á. Börzsönyi

Perfomance tests of the 5TW, 1 kHz, passively CEP-stabilized ELI-ALPS SYLOS few-cycle laser system

SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 2017, Prague, Czech Republic, 25 Apr 2017


Sz. Tóth, V. Chvykov, M. P. Kalashnikov and K. Osvay,

Highly efficient, chirped pulse amplification in a cascaded extraction optical parametric amplifier design

ICEL 2017 - International Conference on Extreme Light, Szeged, Hungary, 6 Nov 2017


Sz. Tóth, J. Adamonis, A. Aleknavičius, Á. Börzsönyi, R. Budriūnas, J. Csontos, M. Kovács, R. Lopez-Martens, K. Osvay, G. Shayeganrad, T. Stanislauskas and G. Veitas,

Simulation of optical parametric amplifier stages of ELI-ALPS SYLOS laser

ICEL 2017 - International Conference on Extreme Light, Szeged, Hungary, 6 Nov 2017


R. S. Nagymihály, Á. Börzsönyi, H. Cao, V. Chvykov, P. Jójárt, M. P. Kalashnikov and K. Osvay,

Phase instability due to amplification in Ti:Sapphire: effects of cooling and polarization encoding

Ultrafast Optics Conference 2017, Jackson Hole, WY, USA, 9 Oct 2017


R. S. Nagymihály, Á. Börzsönyi, V. Chvykov, P. Jójárt, M. P. Kalashnikov and K. Osvay,

Measurement of the Carrier-Envelope Phase Noise in A Polarization Encoded Ti:Sapphire Amplifier

ICOMP 2017 - 14th International Conference on Multiphoton Processes, Budapest, Hungary, 2 Aug 2017


H. Cao, N. Khodakovskiy, K. Osvay, R. S. Nagymihály and V. Chvykov,

Active spectral shaping with polarization encoding of chirped pulses in Ti:sapphire amplifiers

CLEO Europe 2017, Munich, Germany, 26 Jun 2017


J. Bohus, M. P. Kalashnikov and K. Osvay,

An All-Reflective Polarization Rotator

SPIE Praha 2017, Prague, Czech Republic, 24 Apr 2017




T. Grósz, A. P. Kovács, R. Szipőcs

Ultra-broadband Dielectric Beam Steering Mirrors for in vivo Nonlinear Microscopy: How Mirror Performance Affects Imaging Quality and Laser Safety Issues?

OIC - Optical Interference Coatings, Loews Ventana Canyon, Tucson, Arizona, USA (June 19-24, 2016)

paper ID 2493262


M. P. Kalashnikov, H. Cao, K. Osvay, V. Chvykov, N. Khodakovskiy, and R. NAGYMIHALY,

Polarization Encoded Chirped Pulse Amplification in Ti:sapphire - a Way Towards Few Cycle PW Lasers,

Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, talk number SM1M.2 (2016).


V. Chvykov, H. Cao, R. Nagymihaly, M. Kalashnikov, N. Khodakovskiy, K. Osvay

New Generation of Ultra-High Peak and Average Power Laser Systems,

LPHYS’16, invited talk number S4.1.1 (2016).


Budai, Judit ; Pápa, Zsuzsanna ; Csontos, János ; Kálosi, Anna

On the Feasibility of Ellipsometric Tomography: the Possibility to Investigate Structures Smaller Than Spot Size

In: 7th International Conference on Spectroscopic Ellipsometry (2016) p. 221 Paper: 10-66


V. Chvykov, H. Cao, R. Nagymihaly, M. Kalashnikov, K. Osvay

Extraction During Pumping for Thin Disc Ti:Sapphire Amplifiers (EDP-TD),

LPHYS’16, invited talk number S4.1.2 (2016).


R. S. Nagymihaly, H. Cao, M. Kalashnikov, N. Khodakovskiy, L. Ehrentraut, K. Osvay, V. Chvykov,

Proof-of-principle experiment on a Thin Disk Ti:Sapphire amplifier with Extraction During Pumping (EDP-TD) ,

7th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference, paper SSL-3: 26.7 (2016).


H. Cao, R. S. Nagymihaly, M. Kalashnikov, V. Chvykov, N. Khodakovskiy, K. Osvay

Towards few cycle PW peak and kW average power Ti:Sapphire laser systems,

ICONO-LAT, invited talk number IWB1 (2016).


A. Andrásik, P. Jójárt, Sz. Toth, R. S. Nagymihály, Á. Börzsönyi, K. Osvay,

10 W multipass Ti:S amplifier for 80 MHz repetition rate,

7th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference, presentation number PO-1.29 (2016).


R. Nagymihály, P. Jojart, A. Borzsonyi, and K. Osvay,

Increase of Carrier-Envelope Phase Noise in Water and Cryogenically Cooled Ti:Sapphire Amplifiers,

High-Brightness Sources and Light-Driven Interactions, OSA Technical Digest (online) (Optical Society of America, 2016), paper HS3B.4.


Csaba Vass:

Targetry in ELI-ALPS”, Building a Target Network for Advanced Laser Light Sources

EUCALL Satellite Workshop, 29 - 31 August 2016, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden, Germany, oral


K. Osvay

The research technology and scientific mission of ELI-ALPS

ELI Seminar, Warsaw, Poland, 2016. október 21.


H.N. Gopalakrishna, A.N. Puttur, M. Dumergue, S. Kühn, S. Mondal, T. Csizmadia, M. Füle, F. Aeenehvand, G. Sansone, M.U. Kahaly, B. Farkas, B. Major, V. Szaszkó-Bogár, P. Földi, K. Varjú, P. Tzallas, D. Charalambidis, L. Neoricic, S. Kahaly

Saddle point approaches in attosecond physics

Ultrafast Dynamics with Intense Radiation Sources, MEDEA Summer School, Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece, October 18 – 21, 2016


L. Neoricic, B. Farkas, B. Major, S. Kühn, M. Dumergue, A.N. Puttur, P. Rudawski, A. L’Huillier, S. Maclot, P. Johnsson, C. Arnold, C. Heyl, F.Campi, H. Wikmark, B. Manschwetus, M. Mira, B. Bodi, P. Tzallas, D. Charalambidis, G. Sansone, K. Varjú,

High intensity attosecond beamlines at ELI-ALPS based on gas high harmonic generation

Ultrafast Dynamics with Intense Radiation Sources,

MEDEA Summer School,

Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece, October 18 – 21, 2016


A.N. Puttur, M. Dumergue, S. Mondal, N. Ahmed, M. Füle, T. Csizmadia, H.N. Gopalakrishna, F. Aeenehvand, B. Farkas, B. Major, L. Neoricic, L.Óvári, S. Kühn, S. Kahaly, P. Tzallas, K. Varjú, G. Sansone, F. Lépine, D. Charalambidis,

ELI-ALPS end-stations for gas phase and condensed matter physics of ultrafast phenomena,

Ultrafast Dynamics with Intense Radiation Sources, MEDEA Summer School, Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece, October 18 – 21, 2016


A.N. Puttur, M. Dumergue, S. Mondal, N. Ahmed, M. Füle, T. Csizmadia, H.N. Gopalakrishna, F. Aeenehvand, B. Farkas, B. Major, L. Neoricic, L. Óvári, S. Kühn, S. Kahaly, P. Tzallas, K. Varjú, G. Sansone, F. Lépine, D. Charalambidis,

ELI-ALPS end-stations for gas phase and condensed matter physics of ultrafast phenomena,Ultrafast Dynamics and Time-Resolved Interactions,

Satellite Workshop of the 39th International Conference on Vacuum Ultraviolet and X-ray Physics, Szeged, Hungary, June 26 – 28, 2016


B. Major, K. Kovács, B. Manschwetus, E. Balogh, S. Maclot, L. Rading,P. Rudawski, C.M. Heyl, H. Coudert-Alteirac, B. Farkas, P. Johnsson, V. Tosa, A. L'Huillier, K. Varjú,

Macroscopic optimization of high harmonic generation for high power laser pulses,

High-Intensity Lasers and High-Field Phenomena 2016, Long Beach, California, United States, March 20 – 22, 2016


K. Osvay

High peak power few cycle lasers of and related developments in ELIALPS

CHILI 2016, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2016. február 22.


Sz. Toth, R.S. Nagymihály, P. Jojart, A. Andrásik, R. Flender, A. Börzsönyi, K. Osvay Development of a 10W, 80MHz repetition rate amplifier for few cycle pulses

7th International Conference on Ultrahigh Intensity Lasers, Montebello, Canada, 11-16. September, 2016


P. Jójárt, J. Csontos, Á. Börzsönyi, R. S. Nagymihály, T. Eidam, J. Limpert, K. Osvay

Phase noise measurement of water-cooled optomechanic components for high average power lasers

7th International Conference on Ultrahigh Intensity Lasers, Montebello, Canada, 11-16. September, 2016.


R. S. Nagymihaly, P. Jojart, A. Borzsonyi, K. Osvay,

Spectral phase noise in a cryogenically cooled Ti:S amplifier,

International Conference on Ultrahigh Intensity Lasers (2016)


V. Chvykov, H. Cao, R. Nagymihaly, M. Kalashnikov, N. Khodakovskiy, R. Glassock, L. Ehrentraut, M. Schnuerer, K. Osvay

High Repetition Rate for Ultra-High Peak Power Laser Systems

Advanced Solid State Lasers 2016, presentation number JTu2A.2 (2016)


Sz. Toth, R. Flender, R.S. Nagymihály, P. Jojart, A. Andrásik, A. Börzsönyi, K. Osvay

Modelling and Development of an 80 MHz Repetition Rate, Tuneable OPCPA system for In-Vivo Deep Brain Imaging

EUROPHOTON - Solid State, Fibre, and Waveguide Coherent Light Sources,

21-26. August 2016., Wien, Austria


Sz. Tóth, R. Flender, R. S. Nagymihály, P. Jójárt, A. Andrásik, Á. Börzsönyi, K. Osvay,

Modelling and Development of an 80 MHz Repetition Rate tuneable OPCPA system for In-Vivo Deep Brain Imaging Microscopy,

7th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference, presentation number PO-3.23 (2016).




A. Borzsonyi, R. S. Nagymihály, and K. Osvay,

Drift and Noise of Carrier-Envelope Phase in Ti:Sapphire Based Ultrashort Pulse Amplifiers,

European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference 2015, presentation number CF_P_7 (2015).


R. Nagymihály and V. Chvykov,

Thermal Dynamics of Petawatt Class Ti:Sapphire EDP Thin Disk Amplifiers,

Advanced Solid State Lasers, 2015, presentation number ATu2A.40 (2015).


R.S. Nagymihaly, P. Jojart, A. Borzsonyi, and K. Osvay,

Carrier Envelope Phase Noise of Laser Pulses Originating from Water Cooled and Cryogenically Cooled Ti:Sapphire Amplifiers

International Conference on Extreme Light, presentation number 15(2015).


A. Andrásik, P. Jojart, Sz. Toth, R.S. Nagymihály, A Börzsönyi, and K. Osvay,

Development of broadband ultrashort pulse amplifiers at 80 MHz,

International Conference on Extreme Light (2015), presentation number 41.


D. Charalambidis, P. Antici, P. Dombi, K. Osvay, G. Sansone and K. Varju

The Extreme Light Infrastructure – Attosecond Light Pulse Source (ELI-ALPS) project

ISUILS, Kauai, USA, 2015. december 9.


K. Osvay

ELI-ALPS : Research technology and status of implementation

CLPU User Meeting, Salamanca, Spain, 2015. november 30.

ISUILS, Kauai, USA, 2015. december 9.


K. Osvay

ELI-ALPS : Research technology and status of implementation

CLPU User Meeting, Salamanca, Spain, 2015. november 30.

ISUILS, Kauai, USA, 2015. december 9.


Sz. Toth, A. Andrasik, P. Jojart, R. S. Nagymihaly, A. Borzsonyi and K. Osvay

Numerical Modelling of OPCPA in Case of Non-Negligible Pump Depletion for in-vivo Deep Brain Imaging Microscopy

LPhys'15, Shanghai, China, 2015. augusztus 21.


A. Borzsonyi, R. S. Nagymihaly, Sz. Toth, P. Jojart and K. Osvay

Ti:Sapphire Based Tunable Ultrashort Pulse Amplifier at 80 MHz Repetition Rate for in-vivo Deep Brain Imaging

LPhys'15, Shanghai, China, 2015. augusztus 21.


G. Sansone, D. Charalambidis, K. Osvay, S. Brockhauser, S. Kühn, P. Antici, E. Cormier, P. Dombi, J. Fülöp, S. Kahaly, M. Kalashnikov, N. Lopes, R. Lopez-Martens, E. Ràcz, P. Ranitovic, P. Tzallas, Z. Vàrallyay, K. Varjú

Research directions in fundamental attosecond science driven by the ELI Attosecond Light Pulse Source (ELI-ALPS)

atto2015; 5th International conference on Attosecond Physics, Québec, Canada, 2015. július 6.


V. Chvykov, M. Kalashnikov and K. Osvay

EDP Ti:Sapphire Amplifiers for Frontier Projects

LPhyS2015, Shanghai, China, 2015. augusztus 21.


K. Osvay

Few Cycle High Intensity Lasers of and Related Developments in ELI-ALPS

LPhyS2015, Shanghai, 2015. augusztus 21.


M. P. Kalashnikov, H. Cao, V. Chvykov and K. Osvay

Broadband Amplification of Polarization Encoded Pulses in Ti:Sapphire Medium

LPhyS2015, Shanghai, China, 2015. augusztus 21.


S. Maclot, H. Coudert-Alteirac, F. Campi, P. Rudawski, L. Rading, B. Manschwetus, C.M. Heyl, M. Miranda, B. Farkas, F. Brizuela, B. Kim, A. L'Huillier, P. Johnsson,

Towards XUV-pump XUV-probe experiments with attosecond pulses at the Lund Laser Centre,

29th International Conference on Photonic, Electronic and Atomic

Collisions, Toledo, Spain, July 22 – 28, 2015


B. Manschwetus, L. Rading, F. Campi, H. Coudert-Alteirac, S. Maclot, P. Rudawski, C.M. Heyl, B. Farkas, F. Brizuela, B. Kim, A. L'Huillier, P. Johnsson,

Towards XUV-pump XUV-probe attosecond experiments at the Lund Laser Centre,

5th International Conference on Attosecond Physics, Saint-Sauveur,

Canada, July 6 – 10, 2015


K. Kovács, B. Major, B. Manschwetus, E. Balogh, S. Maclot, L. Rading, P. Rudawski, C.M. Heyl, H. Coudert-Alteirac, B. Farkas, V. Tosa, P. Johnsson, A. L'Huillier, K. Varjú,

Macroscopic optimization of high harmonic generation for high power laser pulses,

5th International Conference on Attosecond Physics, Saint-Sauveur,

Canada, July 6 – 10, 2015


K. Osvay

ELI-ALPS status

Research Using Extreme Light: Entering New Frontiers with Petawatt-Class Lasers, Prague, Czech Republic, 2015. április 13.


Major, B.; Porras, M. A.; Kovács, A. P. & Horváth, Z. L. Yamanouchi, K. Cundiff, S.; de Vivie-Riedle, R.; Kuwata-Gonokami, M. & DiMauro, L. (Eds.)

The Influence of Generalized Focusing on Polarization-Shaped Few-Cycle

Pulsed Beams, Ultrafast Phenomena XIX, Springer International Publishing, 2015, 162, 813-816


A. Borzsonyi, R. S. Nagymihály, and K. Osvay,

Drift and Noise of Carrier-Envelope Phase in Ti:Sapphire Based Ultrashort Pulse Amplifiers,

European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference 2015, presentation number CF_P_7 (2015)


R. Nagymihály and V. Chvykov,

Thermal Dynamics of Petawatt Class Ti:Sapphire EDP Thin Disk Amplifiers,

Advanced Solid State Lasers, 2015, presentation number ATu2A.40 (2015)


R.S. Nagymihaly, P. Jojart, A. Borzsonyi, and K. Osvay,

Carrier Envelope Phase Noise of Laser Pulses Originating from Water Cooled and Cryogenically Cooled Ti:Sapphire Amplifiers,

International Conference on Extreme Light, presentation number 15(2015)


A. Andrásik, P. Jojart, Sz. Toth, R.S. Nagymihály, A Börzsönyi, and K. Osvay,

Development of broadband ultrashort pulse amplifiers at 80 MHz,

International Conference on Extreme Light (2015), presentation number 41


M. Gstalter, A. Börzsönyi and K. Osvay

Comparison of Linear Methods of Angular Dispersion Measurement

CLEO Europe 2015, Munich, Germany, 2015. június 21.


Á. Mohácsi, M. Kalashnikov, V. Chvykov, B. N. Ahn, M. Kiss, Z. Tóth, Cs. Póth, G. Hajas, R. Glassock, L. Fülöp and K. Osvay

The Beam Transport System of the SYLOS and HR Lasers at ELI-ALPS

ICEL, Bucharest, Romania, 2015. november 23.


S. Kahaly, F. Quere, R. Lopez-Martens, P. Martin, G. Sansone and K. Osvay

Ultrafast attosecond light sources from structured plasma optics

ICEL, Bucharest, Romania, 2015. november 23.


G. Mészáros, A. P. Kovács, K. Osvay and S. Brockhauser

Establishment of an optical workshop in the ELI-ALPS, the novel laser research facility

SPIE Optical Systems Design, Jena, Germany, 2015. szeptember 7.


T. Grósz, L. Gulyás, A. P. Kovács

Advanced laboratory exercise: Studying the dispersion properties of a prism pair

Proc. SPIE 9793, Thirteenth International Topical Meeting on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics (ETOP), 97931N (2015)


Cs. Vass, R. Flender, B. Kiss, K. Osvay

Time-resolved study on periodic microstructure fabrication in polymers

COLA 2015, International Conference on Laser Ablation 2015, 31 August – 4 September 2015, Cairns, Australia, Session 10, O-46; oral


Cs. Vass, A. Körmöczi, B. Hopp

Two dimensional numerical modeling of TWIN-LIBWE method for interpretation of submicrometer grating fabrication in fused silica

COLA 2015, International conference on Laser Ablation 2015, 31 August – 4 September 2015, Cairns, Australia, Poster Session 1, P003, poster


B. Hopp, T. Smausz, Cs. Vass, F. Misják, Gy. Radnóczi, T. Gera, M. Ehrhardt, P. Lorenz, K. Zimmer

Study on effects induced by ultrashort laser pulses focused inside transparent materials

COLA 2015, International Conference on Laser Ablation 2015, 31 August – 4 September 2015, Cairns, Australia, Poster Session 1, P002, poster




Major, B ; Porras, MA ; A P, Kovacs ; Horváth, ZL

Polarization state changes of femtosecond, polarization-shaped pulsed beams on free space propagation

In: 19th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, UP 2014

Washington, D.C: * : Optical Society of American (OSA), (2014) Paper: 07.Mon.P1.37


A. Börzsönyi, R.S. Nagymihály, and K. Osvay,

Thermal Originated Drift and Noise of CarrierEnvelope Phase in Ti:Sapphire Based Amplifiers,

International Conference on Ultrahigh Intensity Lasers (2014).


B. Kiss, R. Flender, Cs. Vass and K. Osvay

Time-resolved study on grating formation in polycarbonate

10th International Young Scientist conference “Developments in Optics and Communications” and Laserlab III Training School for Potential Users “Laser Applications in Spectroscopy, Industry and Medicine”, Latvia, 2014. április 9.


M. Gstalter, A. Börzsönyi, A. Andrásik, A. P. Kovács and K. Osvay

An Experimental Study on the Single-shot Two-dimensional Angular Dispersion Measurement

10th International Young Scientist conference “Developments in Optics and Communications” and Laserlab III Training School for Potential Users “Laser Applications in Spectroscopy, Industry and Medicine”, Latvia, 2014. április 9.


S. Banerjee, M. Baudisch, J. Biegert, A. Borot, A. Borzsonyi, D. Charalambidis, T. Ditmire, Zs. Diveki, P. Dombi, K. Ertel, M. Galimberti, J. A. Fülöp, E. Gaul, C. Haeffner, M. emmer, C. Hernez-Gomez, M. Kalashnikov, D. Kula, A. P. Kovacs, R. Lopez-Martens, P. Mason, I. Márton, I. Musgrave, K. Osvay, M. Prolini, E. Racz, P. Racz, R. Riedel, I. N. Ross, J. -P. Rosseau, M. Schulz, F. Tavella, A. Thai and I. Will

ELI Attosecond Light Pulse Source

ICRI 2014, Athens, Greece, 2014. április 2.


K. Osvay, S. Brockhauser, D. Charalambidis, E. Cormier, M. Kalashnikov, R. Lopez-Martens, G. Sansone and Z. Várallyay

Few cycle, phase controlled laser sources for the Attosecond Facility of the Extreme Light Infrastructure

ICUIL 2014, Goa, India, 2014. október 12.


K. Osvay

Laser based light sources and current trends – applications at ELI ALPS

International workshop - ELETTRA - SINCROTRONE TRIESTE, Italy, Italy, 2014. május 9.


Frederik Böhle, Martin Kretschmar, Aurelie Jullien, Mate Kovacs, Miguel Miranda, Rosa Romero, Helder Crespo, Peter Simon, Rodrigo Lopez-Martens, Tamas Nagy

Generation of 3-mJ, 4-fs CEP-Stable Pulses by Long Stretched Flexible Hollow Fibers

High Intensity Lasers and High Field Phenomena (2014)


T. Grósz, K. Csonti, R. Szipőcs, A. P. Kovács

Measurement of the Polarization Mode Dispersion in a HC-800 Photonic Crystal Fiber

6th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference on Solid-State, Fibre, and Waveguide Coherent Light Sources, Neuchâtel, Switzerland (August 24-29, 2014) poster TuP-T1-P-16


T. Grósz, M. Kovács, R. Szipőcs, A. P. Kovács

Dispersion measurement of microstructured fibers using spectral interferometry

ELI Laser Tea, Szeged, Hungary (April 23, 2014) poster 9


B. Kiss, R. Flender, Cs. Vass, K. Osvay

Time-resolved study on grating formation in polycarbonate

Developments in Optics and Communications / Laserlab III Training School, Riga, Latvia, 9-12 April 2014; poster, P44


Cs. Vass, B. Kiss, R. Flender, P. Lorenz, M. Ehrhardt, K. Zimmer

Micro-structuring of fused silica: nanosecond UV laser in TWIN-LIBWE arrangement versus ultrashort pulse ablation

The 15th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM2014), 17-20 June 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania, oral, Tu3-O-8 LPM2014 Program & Technical Digest Page 80


Cs. Vass, R. Flender, B. Kiss, K. Osvay,

Time-Resolved Study on Grating Fabrication in Transparent Dielectrics

The 15th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM2014), 17-20 June 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania, oral, Tu3-O-4 LPM2014 Program & Technical Digest Page 76


B. Kiss, R. Flender, J. Kopniczky, F. Ujhelyi, C. Vass

Fabrication of Polarizer by Metal Evaporation of Fused Silica Surface Relief Gratings

The 15th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM2014), 17-20 June 2014, Vilnius, Lithuania, poster, P53 LPM2014 Program & Technical Digest Page 259


T. Grósz, A. P. Kovács

Higher order dispersion measurement using the stationary phase point method

SPIE 9128, (2014) 91280-R




A. Borzsonyi, R. S. Nagymihály, P. Jojart, and K. Osvay,

Carrier-Envelop Phase Noise of Ultrashort Pulses in a Ti:Sapphire Amplifier,

Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, presentation number JTh2A.15 (2013).


A. Borzsonyi, R. S. Nagymihály, P. Jójárt, and K. Osvay,

Carrier-Envelope Phase Noise Increment Due to Thermal Issues of a Ti:Sapphire-Based Amplifier,

Advanced Solid-State Lasers Congress 2013, presentation number JTh2A.18 (2013).


T. Somoskői, Cs. Vass, M. Merő, R. Mingesz, Z. Bozóki, K. Osvay

Comparative measurements of laser damage thresholds at the nanosecond and femtosecond pulse duration domain

SPIE Laser Damage 45th Annual Symposium on Optical Materials for High Power Laser 22-25 September 2013, Boulder, Colorado, USA


P. Jójárt, A. Börzsönyi, R. Chiche, V. Soskov, A. Variola, F. Zomer, E. Cormier, K. Osvay

Carrier-envelope Phase Drift of Picosecond Frequency Combs from an Ultrahigh Finesse Fabry-Perot Cavity

Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics 2013. jun. 9-14, San Jose, USA


B. Bódi, E. Balogh, E. Goulielmakis, V. Tosa, K. Varjú, P. Dombi

Genetic optimization of attosecond pulse production in a light waveform synthesizer

ATTOFEL meeting in ATTO2013 Paris, France 08 July 2013


K. Kovács, E. Balogh, J. Hebling, V. Tosa, K. Varjú

Harmonic yield enhancement through quasi-phase-matching in THz assisted high-order harmonic generation

ATTO2013 Paris, France 08-13 July 2013, poster P1.17


E. Balogh, K. Varjú,

Quasi-phase matching high-order harmonics by low-intensity assisting fields

ATTO2013 Paris, France 08-13 July 2013, poster P1.68


D. Kroon, D. Guenot, C.M. Heyl, E. Witting Larsen, M. Kotur, M. Miranda, P. Johnsson, A. L'Huillier, C.L. Arnold, I. Balogh and K. Varju

Attosecond pulse walk-off in high-harmonic generation

ATTO2013 Paris, France 08-13 July 2013, poster P3.17


Cs. Vass, B. Kiss, F. Ujhelyi, K. Osvay

Microstructuring of dielectric films by indirect laser etching method for waveguide applications

Fundamentals of Laser Assisted Micro? & Nanotechnologies (FLAMN-13) June 24-28, 2013, St. Petersburg ? Russia, poster PS2-23


Cs. Vass, B. Kiss, F. Ujhelyi

Microstructuring of transparent dielectric films by TWIN-LIBWE method for OWLS applications

The 6th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing (LAMP2013) July 23-26, 2013., Toki Messe, Niigata, Japan, oral Tu1-OL-11


B. Kiss, R. Flender, Cs. Vass

Fabrication of micron and submicron period metal reflection gratings by imprinting technique

The 6th International Congress on Laser Advanced Materials Processing (LAMP2013) July 23-26, 2013., Toki Messe, Niigata, Japan, poster P23


Cs. Vass, B. Kiss, R. Flender, J. Kopniczky, F. Ujhelyi

Polarizer Fabrication by Metal Evaporated Fused Silica Surface Relief Gratings

The 12th International Conference on Laser Ablation (COLA 2013) Okt5-12, 2013., Ischia, Italy, poster, P1-58


A. Börzsönyi, A. Andrásik, A. Kovács, M. Gstalter, K. Osvay

On the Accuracy of the Single-shot Two-dimensional Angular Dispersion Measurement

Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe (CLEO-Europe) Munich, Germany (2013) CG-P.22 THU


T. Grósz, M. Kiss, A. P. Kovács

Characterisation of optical pulses travelling through a photonic crystal fibre using Fourier-transform spectral interferometry

Proc. of SPIE 8775 (2013) 87750E-1


T. Grósz, R. Szipöcs, A. P. Kovács

Measurement of Polarization-dependent Chromatic Dispersion in a Birefringent Hollow-core Photonic Crystal Fiber Using Spectral Interferometry

3rd Workshop on Specialty Fibers and their Applications, Sigtuna, Sweden (2013) poster


B. Hopp, T Csizmadia, T. Smausz, Cs. Vass, B. Kiss, P. Lorenz, K. Zimmer:

Production of Low-Reflecting Surface Structure on Metal Films,

The 12th International Conference on Laser Ablation (COLA 2013) Okt 5-12, 2013., Ischia, Italy, poster, P1-56


C. L. Arnold, S. Banerjee, M. Baudisch, J. Biegert, F. Brizuela, A. Borzsonyi, A. Borot, F. Calegari, D. Charalambidis, Th. Cowan, T. Ditmire, Z. Diveki, P. Dombi, J. A. Fülöp, K. Ertel, M. Galimberti, E. Gaul, C. Haeffner, M. J. Hebling, Hemmer, C. Hernez-Gomez, Ch. M. Heyl, A. L'Huillier, D. Jaroszynski, P. Johnsson, V. Malka, D. Kula, M. Kalashnikov, M. Kaluza, I. Kocsis, P. Kovacs, R. Lopez-Martens, P. Mason, I. Márton, I. Musgrave, M. Nisoli, K. Osvay, G. G. Paulus, M. Prolini, F. Quere, E. Racz, P. Racz, R. Riedel, I. N. Ross, J. -P. Rosseau, A. Rouzée, P. Rudawski, G. Sansone, J. , M. Schulz, Ch. Spindloe, F. Tavella, A. Thai, M. Tolley, P. Tzallas, L. Veisz, M. Vrakking and I. Will

The ELI-ALPS: The European attosecond infrastructure

ISUILS12, Salamanca, Spain, 2013. október 6.


K. Osvay, D. Charalambidis, E. Cormier, Zs. Diveki, P. Dombi, J. A. Fülöp, M. Kalashnikov, R. Lopez-Martens and E. Racz

The Attosecond Facility of the Extreme Light Infrastructure

PHOTONICA’13, Belgrade, Serbia, 2013. augusztus 26.


D. Charalambidis, Zs. Diveki, P. Dombi, J. A. Fülöp, M. Kalashnikov, I. Kocsis, R. Lopez-Martens, K. Osvay, E. Racz, J. Schreiber and L. Veisz

Novel Attosecond Sources and THz Laser Beamlines at ELI-ALPS

ATTO2013, Paris, France, 2013. július 8.


C. L. Arnold, F. Brizuela, F. Calegari, D. Charalambidis, Zs. Diveki, P. Dombi, J. A. Fülöp, Ch. M. Heyl, A. L'Huillier, P. Johnsson, M. Kalashnikov, R. Lopez-Martens, M. Nisoli, K. Osvay, F. Quere, E. Racz, P. Rudawski and P. Tzallas

Gas and Solid Target High Harmonic Generation Beamlines of ELI-ALPS

ATTO2013, Paris, France, 2013. július 8.


G. Almás, C. L. Arnold, S. Banerjee, M. Baudisch, J. Biegert, F. Brizuela, A. Borzsonyi, A. Borot, F. Calegari, D. Charalambidis, T. E. Cowan, T. Ditmire, Zs. Diveki, P. Dombi, J. A. Fülöp, K. Ertel, M. Galimberti, E. Gaul, C. Haeffner, J. Hebling, J. Hein, M. Hemmer, C. Hernez-Gomez, Ch. M. Heyl, A. L'Huillier, O. Jäckel, D. Jaroszynski, P. Johnsson, R. Jung, V. Malka, M. Kalashnikov, M. C. Kaluza, D. Kula, A. P. Kovacs, R. Lopez-Martens, P. Mason, I. Márton, I. Musgrave, M. Nisoli, T. Nubbemeyer, Z. Ollmann, K. Osvay, L. Pálfalvi, G. G. Paulus, M. Prolini, F. Quere, E. Racz, P. Racz, R. Riedel, I. N. Ross, J. -P. Rosseau, A. Rouzée, P. Rudawski, G. Sansone, H. Schönnagel, M. Schulz, Ch. Spindloe, F. Tavella, A. Thai, M. Tolley, J. Tümmler, P. Tzallas, M. Vrakking and I. Will

Status and prospects of the European Research Infrastructure ELI-ALPS

ATTO2013, Paris, France, 2013. július 8.


M. P. Kalashnikov and K. Osvay

Attosecond Light Pulse Source of the Extreme Light Infrastructure – a unique tool for users

FLAMN-13 Symposium, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2013. június 24.


S. Banerjee, M. Baudisch, J. Biegert, A. Borot, A. Borzsonyi, D. Charalambidis, T. Ditmire, Zs. Diveki, P. Dombi, K. Ertel, M. Galimberti, J. A. Fülöp, E. Gaul, C. Haeffner, M. Hemmer, C. Hernez-Gomez, M. Kalashnikov, D. Kula, A. P. Kovacs, R. Lopez-Martens, P. Mason, I. Márton, I. Musgrave, K. Osvay, M. Prolini, E. Racz, P. Racz, R. Riedel, I. N. Ross, J. P. Rosseau, M. Schulz, F. Tavella, A. Thai and I. Will

Laser Systems for the ELI-ALPS Facility

ICONO/LAT: 2013, Moscow, Russia, 2013. június 18.


C. L. Arnold, F. Brizuela, A. Borot, F. Calegari, D. Charalambidis, Th. Cowan, Zs. Diveki, P. Dombi, J. A. Fülöp, J. Hebling, Ch. M. Heyl, A. L'Huillier, D. Jaroszynski, P. Johnsson, V. Malka, M. Kalashnikov, M. Kaluza, R. Lopez-Martens, M. Nisoli, K. Osvay, G. Paulus, F. Quere, E. Racz, A. Rouzée, P. Rudawski, Ch. Spindloe, M. olley, P. Tzallas and M. Vrakking

The ELI-ALPS secondary sources: a getaway to scientific excellence

CLEO:2013, San Jose, USA, 2013. június 9.


S. Banerjee, M. Baudisch, J. Biegert, A. Borot, A. Borzsonyi, D. Charalambidis, T. Ditmire, Zs. Diveki, P. Dombi, K. Ertel, M. Galimberti, J. A. Fülöp, E. Gaul, C. Haeffner, M. Hemmer, C. Hernez-Gomez, M. Kalashnikov, D. Kula, A. P. Kovacs, R. Lopez-Martens, P. Mason, I. Márton, I. Musgrave, K. Osvay, M. Prolini, E. Racz, P. Racz, R. Riedel, I. N. Ross, J. P. Rosseau, M. Schulz, F. Tavella, A. Thai and I. Will

Conceptual Design of the Laser Systems for the Attosecond Light Pulse Source

CLEO:2013, San Jose, USA, 2013. június 9.


D. Charalambidis, Zs. Diveki, P. Dombi, J. A. Fülöp, M. Kalashnikov, R. Lopez-Martens, K. Osvay and E. Racz

ELI-ALPS, the Attosecond Facility of the Extreme Light Infrastructure

CLEO®/Europe – IQUEC 2013, Munich, Germany, 2013. május 12.


K. Osvay, D. Charalambidis, Zs. Diveki, P. Dombi, J. A. Fülöp, M. Kalashnikov, R. Lopez-Martens and E. Racz

ELI-ALPS: The attosecond ELI infrastructure

SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics 2013, Prague, Czech Republic, 2013. április 15.


D. Charalambidis, Zs. Diveki, P. Dombi, J. A. Fülöp, M. Kalashnikov, R. Lopez-Martens, K. Osvay and E. Racz

Attosecond Light Pulse Source, the attosecond facility of ELI

Ultrafast Optics 2013 (UFO), Dawos, Switzerland, 2013. március 4.


Somoskoi, T.Vass, Cs., Mero, M., Mingesz, R., Bozoki, Z., Osvay, K.

A unified optical damage criterion based on the probability density distribution of detector signals

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering Volume 8885 Article number 88813) (2013)


Somoskoi, T.Vass, Cs., Mero, M., Mingesz, R., Bozoki, Z., Osvay, K.

Comparing the Sensitivity of Four Laser-Induced Damage Detection Techniques at 266 nm and 532 nm

CLEO:CLEO:2013, San Jose, USA, June 9, 2013, poster




B. Bódi, E. Balogh, E. Goulielmakis, K. Varjú, P. Dombi

Adaptive attosecond pulse control with synthesized light

XVIII International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena (UP2012), 8-13 July 2012, Lausanne, Switzerland, poster TUE.PII.6


A. P. Kovács, T. Grósz, M. Kiss

Measurement of higher order dispersion in a photonic fiber using spectral interferometry

AIP Conf. Proc. 1462, (2012) 112


T. Grósz, M. Kiss, A. P. Kovács

Dispersion measurement of photonic crystal fibers up to fifth order using spectral interferometry

5th EPS-QEOD Europhoton Conference on Solid-State, Fibre, and Waveguide Coherent Light Sources, Stockholm, Sweden (2012) poster TuP 33


T.Somoskői, Cs. Vass, M.Mero, Z. Bozoki, K. Osvay

Comparison of laser damage detection methods with simultaneous standard measurements
5th Workshop on Petawatt Lasers, Mamaia, Romania, 22 September, 2012


K. Osvay

State of the art of infrastructure issues at ELI-HU in Szeged

Infrastructures for Lasers, Bordeaux, France 24-25 May 2012


B. Kiss, Cs. Vass, Á. Sipos, B. Farkas, I. Hanyecz, F. Ujhelyi, P. Dombi, K. Osvay

Grating fabrication in dielectric coatings by TWIN-LIBWE

EMRS 2012 Strasbourg, France 14-18 May 2012 P2.11


P. Jojárt, A. Börzsönyi, M. Merő, K. Osvay

All-linear-optical technique for intracavity stabilization of CEP drift

CLEO 2012 San Jose, USA 6-8 May 2012 CW1D.5


A. Borzsonyi, Lucile Mangin-Thro, Gilles Cheriaux, K. Osvay

Real-time Two-dimensional Detection of Angular Dispersion of CPA Laser Beams

CLEO 2012 San Jose, USA 6-8 May 2012 CM1D.6




P. Jojart, A. Börzsönyi, M. Merő, K. Osvay

An all-linear-optical technique for intracavity stabilization of CEP drift

Light at Extreme Intesities (LEI) 2011 Conference, Szeged, Hungary 14-18 Nov. 2011, paper L2.9


L. Mangin-Thro, A. Börzsönyi, K. Osvay

Real time two-dimensional measurement of angular dispersion of broadband laser beams

Light at Extreme Intesities (LEI) 2011 Conference, Szeged, Hungary 14-18 Nov. 2011, paper L2.12


M. Kovács, Á. Börzsönyi, P. Jójárt, K. Osvay

Independent control of arbitrary dispersion order of high power ultrashort pulses

Light at Extreme Intesities (LEI) 2011 Conference, Szeged, Hungary 14-18 Nov. 2011, paper L2.11


M.P. Kalashnikov, K. Osvay, G. Priebe, L. Ehrentraut, S. Steinke, W. Sandner

Temporal contrast of high intensity laser systems above 1011 with Double CPA technique

Light at Extreme Intesities (LEI) 2011 Conference, Szeged, Hungary 14-18 Nov. 2011, paper L4.22


K. Osvay

Primary sources of ELI-ALP

Light at Extreme Intesities (LEI) 2011 Conference, Szeged, Hungary 14-18 Nov. 2011, paper ELI-ALPS


P. Dombi, I. B. Foldes, J. A. Fulop, J. Hebling, K. Osvay, G. Szabo, K. Varju

Scientific Study of ELI Attosecond Light Pulse Source

CLEO-Europe '11, Munich, Germany, 2011, paper CG4.4


M.P.Kalashnikov, K. Osvay, H.Schönnagel, R.Volkov, W. Sandner

High Temporal Contrast Front End with a multipass Ti:Sa amplifier and a CaF2-based XPW temporal filter

CLEO '11, Baltimore, MA, USA, 2011, paper CWG3


P. Jójárt, Á. Börzsönyi, S. Koke, M. Görbe, K. Osvay

A simple linear technique for measuring the carrier-envelope offset phase of ultrashort pulses

CLEO '11, Baltimore, MA, USA, 2011, paper CWI6


P.Dombi, J. Fülöp, G. Szabo, K. Varju, J. Hebling K. Osvay

Progress of the ELI attosecond facility project in Hungary and novel schemes for attosecond pulse generation

SPIE ELI Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 2011, paper 8080B-40


K. Osvay

ELI- attosecond Light Pulse Source

Networking Activity on Ultra-High Intesity Ultrashort Lasers (NAUUL), 2nd annual meeting Salamanca, Spain 16 jun 2011 (talk)


K. Osvay

ELI-ALPS - the ultrafast challenges in Hungary

4th Petawatt Scientific Committee Meeting, München, Germany 27 May 2011 (invited talk)


K. Osvay

The Eli project and it's challenges

Babes Bolyai Tudományegyetem, Kolozsvár, Románia

10-19 May 2011 (invited seminar)


K. Osvay

ELI Attosecond Light Pulse Source

Institute Seminar, LBNL, Berkeley, CA, USA, 2011 (invited)


K. Kovács, E. Balogh, J. Hebling, V. Toşa, K. Varjú

Efficient quasi-phase-matching and harmonic yield enhancement in THz assisted HHG

Light at Extreme Intensities, 2011, Szeged, Hungary, P18


E. Balogh, K. Kovács, J. Hebling, V. Tosa, K. Varjú

A case study for THz assisted attosecond pulse generation

Light at Extreme Intensities, 2011, Szeged, Hungary, H1.6


E. Balogh, K. Kovács, V. Tosa, K. Varjú

A case study for THz assisted attosecond pulse generation

Ultrafast Optics 2011, Monterey, California, USA, P2


K. Kovács, V. Tosa, E. Balogh, K. Varjú

Increasing harmonic yield by Terahertz assisted high-order harmonic generation

SASQC11, London, United Kingdom, poster


L. Nagy, A. Borzsonyi, K. Osvay, K. Nagy, Gy. Varo, P. Maroti, M. Terazima

Conformation changes after primary charge separation in photosynthetic reaction centers

EBSA European Biophysics Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 2011, paper P-529


L. Fábián, Z. Heiner, M. Mero, M. Kiss, E.K. Wolff, P. Ormos, K. Osvay, A. Dér

Subpicosecond all-optical switching by the protein bacteriorhodopsin

EBSA European Biophysics Congress, Budapest, Hungary, 2011, paper P-760


K. Osvay

Coherent contrast issues due to the linear optics of a CPA laser system

Satellite Meeting on High Intenisty Lasers, IFSA 2011, Bordeaux, France, (invited)


M.P.Kalashnikov, K.Osvay

On the way to temporal contrast above 1011 with double CPA systems

Ultrafast Optics 2011, Monterey, CA, USA, paper Tu16 (invited)


P. Jójárt, A.Börzsönyi. B.Borchers, G. Steinmeyer, K. Osvay

General Linear Method for Carrier-Envelope Offset Phase Measurements

Ultrafast Optics 2011, Monterey, CA, USA, paper Mo12


C. Vass, B. Kiss, Á. Sipos, F. Újhelyi, P. Dombi, K. Osvay,

Grating fabrication in dielectric coatings by TWIN-LIBWE

CLEO Europe 2011, München, Germany


E. Balogh, K. Kovács, J. A. Fülöp, P. Dombi, Gy. Farkas, J. Hebling, V. Tosa, K. Varjú

Single Attosecond Pulse from Terahertz Assisted High-order Harmonic Generation

CLEO-Europe 2011, Münich, Germany, poster CG.P.2


E. Balogh, J.A. Fülöp, J. Hebling, P. Dombi, Gy. Farkas, K. Varjú

Attosecond pulse generation in noble gases in the presence of extreme high intensity THz pulses

OTST 2011, Santa Barbara, California, USA, poster TuE32


E. Balogh, K. Kovács, J. A. Fülöp, P. Dombi, Gy. Farkas, J. Hebling, V. Tosa, K. Varjú

Phasematching single attosecond pulses in the presence of a Terahertz field

SASQC11, London, United Kingdom, poster P1


B. Kiss and Cs. Vass

Fabrication of reflection gratings in bulk tin by imprint lithography

E-MRS Spring Meeting 2011, Nice, France


B. Kiss, Cs. Vass, K. Osvay

Fabrication and analysis of transmission gratings produced by indirect laser etching technique

E-MRS Spring Meeting 2011, Nice, France


C. Vass, B. Hopp

Numerical modeling of laser-induced backside wet etching procedure

E-MRS Spring Meeting 2011, Nice, France


Á. Börzsönyi, P. Jójárt, S. Koke, M. Görbe, K. Osvay

A simple linear optical measurement of carrier envelope phase shift

High-Intensity Lasers and High-Field Phenomena (HILAS 2011), Istanbul, Turkey, Pres. number: HThD5


Á. Börzsönyi, P. Jójárt, M. Kovács, M. Görbe, K. Osvay

Independent Control of Arbitrary Dispersion Order of High Intensity Laser Pulses

High-Intensity Lasers and High-Field Phenomena (HILAS 2011), Istanbul, Turkey, Pres. number: HWC9




Z. Heiner, L. Fábián, M. Mero, M. Kiss, K. Osvay, A. Dér

Ultrafast, Protein-Based All-Optical Switching

Ultrafast Phenomena 2010, Snowmass, Colorado United States, ThE18


A. Dér, L. Fábián, Z. Heiner, M. Kiss, M. Mero, K. Osvay

Ultrafast All-optical switching and dispersion of the protein Bacteriorhodopsin

ICOOPMA10 2010, Budapest, Hungary, invited oral


Á. Börzsönyi, M. Görbe, P. Jójárt, M. Kovács, K. Osvay

Independent control of arbitrary high order dispersion of high intensity laser pulses

ICUIL 2010, Watkins Glen, USA


K. Osvay, Á. Börzsönyi, M.P. Kalashnikov, A. P. Kovács, M. Merő

Spectral Phase Shift and Residual Angular Dispersion of an Acousto-Optic Programmable Dispersive Filter (AOPDF)

ICUIL 2010, Watkins Glen, USA


E. Balogh, K. Varjú, J. A. Fülöp, P. Dombi, G. Farkas, J. Hebling

Attosecond pulse generation in noble gases in the presence of extreme high intensity THz pulses

XXXI ECLIM 2010, Budapest, Hungary, (oral)


M. Görbe, Á. Börzsönyi, P. Jójárt, M. Kovács, K. Osvay

Independent control of arbitrary orders of dispersion at the high power end of CPA lasers
XXXI ECLIM 2010, Budapest, Hungary, paper: P13.


Á. Börzsönyi, M. Merő, A. P. Kovács, M.P. Kalashnikov, K. Osvay

Spectral phase shift and residual angular dispersion of an acousto-optic programmable dispersive filter

XXXI ECLIM 2010, Budapest, Hungary, paper: P21.


Z. Heiner, L. Fábián, M. Mero, M. Kiss, A. Dér, K. Osvay

Bacteriorhodopsin based ultrafast all-optical switching

10th European Conference on Atoms Molecules and Photons 2010, Salamanca, Spain, paper 758


C. Vass, J. Budai, B. Hopp

Numerical modeling of laser-induced backside wet etching procedure

ESCO 2010. Pilsen, Czech Republic, I.B section (oral)


Á. Börzsönyi, Z. Heiner, M.P. Kalashnikov, A.P. Kovács, K. Osvay

Interferometric Measurement of Nonlinear Refractive Index of Inert Gases at Various Pressures

Nonlinear Photonics 2010, Karlsruhe, Germany. Paper: 10-C-868-NP


László Fábián, Márk Merő, Zsuzsanna Heiner, Károly Osvay, András Dér

Ultrafast All-optical Switching Based on the Chromoprotein Bacteriorhodopsin

SPIE Photonics Europe 2010, Brussels, Belgium; paper: 7722-35 (oral)


K. Osvay, J.-P. Chambaret, J. Collier, K. Ertel, J. Hein, S. Karsch, G. Korn, G. Mourou, P. Nickles, B. Rus

Extreme Light Infrastructure: architecture and major challenges

SPIE Photonics Europe 2010, Brussels, Belgium paper 7721B-50 (invited)


G. Korn, S. V. Bulanov, J.-P. Chambaret, D. Charambilidis, J. Collier, M. Dunne, K. Ertel, J. Hein, S. Karsch, F. Krausz, G. Mourou, P. Nickles, K. Osvay, B. Rus, W. Sandner, G. Tsakiris, T. Tajima

Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI): Physics and Lasers at the Ultra-Intense Frontier

CLEO/QELS 2010, San Jose, USA, paper JThG2


Mark Mero, Gabor Kurdi, Aron Sipos, Karoly Osvay

Generation of Energetic Femtosecond Green Pulses Based on an OPCPA - SFG Scheme

CLEO/QELS 2010, San Jose, California; paper: JThE89


Katalin Varju, Jozsef Andras Fulop, Peter Dombi, Gyozo Farkas, Janos Hebling

Attosecond Pulse Generation in Noble Gases in the Presence of Extreme High Intensity THz Pulses

CLEO/QELS 2010, San Jose, California; paper: JThE120


László Fábián, Mark Mero, Zsuzsanna Heiner, Miklós Kiss, Károly Osvay, András Dér

Ultrafast Integrated Optical Switching Based on the Protein Bacteriorhodopsin

CLEO/QELS 2010, San Jose, California; paper: CTuR7 (oral)


Emeric Balogh, Zoltán Néda, Bálint Zs. Nagy, Ingve Simonsen

Empirical evidence for a persistent fear-factor in stock markets

ECCS 2010, Lisbon, Portugal, p36


A. P. Kovács, K. Mecseki, Z.L. Horváth

Directly measuring the pulse-front distortion caused by aberration with spectral interferometry

First International Conference Light at Extreme Intensities LEI’ 09, Brasov, Romania, AIP Conference Proceedings 1228 (2010) 190


K. Mecseki, A. P. Kovács

Monitoring of residual higher-order dispersion of pulse compression by spectral interferometry

First International Conference Light at Extreme Intensities LEI’ 09, Brasov, Romania, AIP Conference Proceedings 1228 (2010) 251


A. Börzsönyi, A.P. Kovács, M. P. Kalashnikov, M. Merő, K. Osvay

Measurement of the spectral phase shift and the residual angular dispersion of an AOPDF

First International Conference Light at Extreme Intensities LEI’ 09, Brasov, Romania, AIP Conference Proceedings 1228 (2010) 138




A. P. Kovács, K. Mecseki, Z.L. Horváth

Directly measuring the pulse-front distortion caused by aberration with spectral interferometry

Ultrafast Optics (UFO VII) – High Field Short Wavelength (HFSW XIII), Arcachon, France, 2009


K. Osvay, A. Börzsönyi, A.P. Kovács, M. P. Kalashnikov, M. Merő

Spectral phase shift and residual angular dispersion of an acousto-optic programmable dispersive filter

Ultrafast Optics (UFO VII) – High Field Short Wavelength (HFSW XIII), Arcachon, France, 2009


K. Varjú, M. Merő, F. Frassetto, L. Poletto, P.Villoresi

Compression methods for XUV attosecond pulses

First International Conference Light at Extreme Intensities LEI 09, Brasov, Romania


A.P.Kovács, L.Canova, C.Durfee, Á.Börzsönyi, O.Albert, R. Lopez Martens, K.Osvay

Carrier Envelope Phase Preservation Upon Cross Polarized Wave Generation

Light at Extreme Intensities LEI’ 09, Brasov, Romania


M. Merő, G. Kurdi, Á. Sípos, K. Osvay

Generation of Energetic Femtosecond Green Pulses Based on an OPCPA - SFG Scheme

Light at Extreme Intensities LEI 09, Brasov, Romania


M. Mero, G. Kurdi, Á. Sipos, K. Osvay

Generation of High-Power Femtosecond Pulses Near 532 nm

CLEO-Europe 2009, Munich, Germany, paper: CG1.4 MON (oral)


K. Osvay, L. Canova, C. Durfee, A.P. Kovács, A. Börzsönyi, O. Albert, R. Lopez-Martens

Preservation of CEP upon Generation of XPW Pulses

CLEO-Europe 2009, Munich, Germany, paper: CG1.5 MON (oral)


K. Varjú, T. Ruchon, A. L'Huillier, P. Saliéres

Saddle Point Approach For The Study Of HHG On Both Fs and As Timescales

CLEO-Europe 2009, Munich, Germany, paper: CG2.2 MON (oral)


R.A. Ineschi, K. Varjú, F. Frassetto, L. Poletto, P. Villoresi

Design of an Adaptive Compressor and Pulse-shaper for Attosecond XUV Pulses

CLEO-Europe 2009, Munich, Germany, paper: CG.P.9 MON


M. Görbe, Ch. Grebing, G. Steinmeyer, K. Osvay

Isochronic Control of the Carrier-Envelope Phase-Shift

CLEO-Europe 2009, Munich, Germany, paper: EG4.4 WED (oral)


Z. Heiner, K. Osvay

Measurement of the Concentration Dependent Refractive Index of Dark-Adapted Wild-type Bacteriophodopsin in 390 - 880 nm

CLEO-Europe 2009, Munich, Germany, paper: CL1.2 THU (oral)


K. Osvay

ELI laser: architecture and challenges

Ultrafast and Nonlinear Optics, Burgas, Bulgaria, 2009


K. Osvay, L. Canova, C. Durfee, A.P. Kovács, A. Börzsönyi, O. Albert,R. Lopez-Martens

Preservation of the Carrier Envelope Phase in Generation of Cross Polarized Wave

CLEO 2009, Baltimore, USA, paper: JTuD39


K. Osvay, A. Börzsönyi, Z. Heiner, A.P. Kovács, M. Kalashnikov

Measurement of Pressure Dependent Nonlinear Refractive Index of Inert Gases

CLEO 2009, Baltimore, USA, paper: CMU7 (oral)


M. Görbe, Ch. Grebing, K. Osvay, G. Steinmeyer

Isochronic Control of the Carrier-Envelope Phase-Shift

CLEO 2009, Baltimore, USA, paper: CTuK7




M.P.Kalashnikov, K. Osvay, H. Schönnagel, W. Sandner

High temporal contrast front end for high field lasers

ICUIL 2008, Shanghai-Tongli, China, paper


L.A. Emmert, D. Nguyen,I. Cravetchi,M. Mero, W. Rudolph,M. Jupe, M. Lappschies, K. Starke,D. Ristau

Subpicosecond dielectric breakdown and incubation in TixSi 1-xO2 composite films with adjustable bandgap

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering 7005, 2008, art. no. 70051V


Z.Heiner, G.Szalay, K.Osvay

Refractive index and dispersion measurement of dark-adapted wild type bacteriorhodopsin

LASERLAB Foresight Workshop and Users Meeting on "Trends of Laser Applications in Biology and Biomedicine" 2008, Heraklion, Crete, Greece


K. Varjú

Attosecond pulses

Advanced Laser Technologies 2008, Siófok, Hungary, paper


G. Kurdi, K. Osvay, K. Varjú

Compensation of Dispersion Introduced by User Experiments into Femtosecond CPA Lasers

Advanced Laser Technologies 2008, Siófok, Hungary, paper


K. Osvay, A. Börzsönyi, Z. Heiner, A.P. Kovács, M. Kalashnikov:

Pressure dependent nonlinear refractive index of inert gases

XXX ECLIM, 2008, Darmstadt, Germany, WE-0401 (oral)


M.P.Kalashnikov, K. Osvay, H. Schönnagel

High temporal contrast front end for high field lasers

30th ECLIM, 2008, Darmstadt, Germany, paper Th-2.4


K. Osvay, M. Görbe, Ch. Grebing, G. Steinmeyer:

A linear optical method for measuring the carrier-envelope offset phase

CLEO/QELS, 2008, San José, paper CThU6


Á. Sipos, H. Tóháti, A. Szalai, A. Mathesz, T. Szabó, M. Szekeres, M. Csete, K. Osvay, I. Dékány:

Plasmonic Structure Generation by Laser Illumination of Silica Nanospheres Deposted onto Prepatterned Polimer-bimetal Films

EMRS 2008, Srasbourg, France, paper B/PI/55


H. Tóháti, Á. Sipos, G. Szekeres, A. Mathesz, A. Szalai, Cs. Vass, A. Kőházi-Kis, M. Csete, K. Osvay, Zs. Bor:

Surface Plasmon coupling on polymer-bimetal layer covered fused silica gratings generated by laser induced backside wet etching

EMRS 2008, Srasbourg, France, paper B/PI/56


Ch. Grebing, K. Osvay, M. Görbe, G. Steinmeyer:

Ein linear optisches Verfahren zur Messung der Carrier-Envelope Phase modengekoppelter Laser

Frühjahrstagung der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft, 2008, Darmstadt




Cs. Vass,K. Osvay,T. Véső, B. Hopp, Zs. Bor:

Submicrometer grating fabrication in fused silica by interferometric laser induced backside wet etching technique

COLA 2007, Tenerife, Spain, Manuscript number: PRO 295


M. Csete, Á. Sipos, A. Szalai, A. Mathesz, M. A. Deli, Sz. Veszelka, A. Schmatulla, A. Kőházi-Kis, K. Osvay, O. Marti, Zs. Bor

Bio-sensing based on plasmon-coupling caused by rotated sub-micrometer gratings in metal-dielectric interfacial layers

SPIE Optics East 2007, Boston, USA; abstract: SA101/6755-32.


K.Osvay, M.P.Kalashnikov, Z.L.Horváth

Focusing of high power ultrashort Gaussian pulses to thin targets

CLEO Europe 2007, paper CG-14-WED


K.Osvay, M.Görbe

A bandwidth independent linear method for detection of carrier envelope phase drift

CLEO Europe 2007, paper CF-11-MON


A.Börzsönyi, K.Osvay, A.P.Kovács, Zs.Heiner, M.P.Kalashnikov

Pressure dependent dispersion of inert gases at 800 nm

CLEO Europe 2007, paper CF-15-MON


G.Kurdi, K.Varjú, K.Osvay

Higher-order dispersion control for femtosecond CPA lasers

Marie Curie Chair Conference 2007, Lodz, Poland, paper P-15


A.Börzsönyi, K.Osvay, A.P.Kovács, Zs.Heiner, M.P.Kalashnikov

Measurement of pressure dependent dispersion of inert gases

DPG Attosecond Physics School 2007, Bad Honnef


M.Csete, Á.Sipos, A.Szalai, G.Szekeres, A.Mathesz, T.Csákó, K.Osvay, Zs.Bor, M.A.Deli, Sz.Veszelka, A.Schmatulla, O.Marti

Comparative study of sub-micrometer polymeric structures: dot-arrays, linear and crossed gratings generated by UV laser based two-beam interference, as surfaces for AFM and SPR based bio-sensing

EMRS 2007, Strasbourg, France, abstract: P/III/51


G.Szalay, Z.Heiner, K.Osvay

Dispersion of dark bacteriorhodopsin at 800 nm

ECAMP 2007, paper Tu3-1


A.Börzsönyi, K.Osvay, A.P.Kovács, Zs.Heiner, M.P.Kalashnikov

Measurement of pressure dependent dispersion of inert gases

ECAMP 2007, Th2-27


A.P.Kovács, M.Erdélyi, K.Mecseki, G.Szabó

Control of third-order dispersion using a birefringent crystal

ECAMP 2007, paper Tu2-26


Z.L.Horváth, A.P.Kovács

Pulse front distortion caused by aberrations

ECAMP 2007, paper Tu2-4




M. Görbe, K. Osvay:

A bandwidth-independent linear method for detection of carrier-envelope phase drift

International School of Quantum Electronics, 2006, Erice (Italy)


Z.Heiner, G.Szalay, K.Osvay

Ultrafast dispersion measurement of bR in the near IR range

EOS Annual Meeting 2006, Paris, France, Tom1 Poster No. 13


K. Osvay, M. Görbe

A linear method for detection of carrier envelope phase fluctuations

ICO Topical Meeting on Optoinformatics/Information Photonics 2006, St.Petersburg, Russia, oral FL-O-171


M.Csete, Á.Sipos, V.Megyesi, K.Osvay, Zs.Bor, O.Marti

Application of sub-micrometer polymer gratings generated by UV laser in bio-sensorization based on atomic force microscopy and surface plasmon resonance spectroscopy

The Ninth World Congress on Biosensors 2006, Toronto, Canada, BIOS0567.


M. Görbe, K. Osvay:

A bandwidth independent linear method for detection of carrier envelope phase drift

Interaction of Atoms, Molecules and plasmas with Intense Ultrashort Laser Pulses, 2006 Szeged, Hungary; MO14 (oral)


Á.Börzsönyi, K.Osvay, A.P.Kovács, M.P.Kalashnikov:

Dispersion of femtosecond pulses in vacuum beam lines from ambient pressure down to 0.01 mbar

Interaction of Atoms, Molecules and plasmas with Intense Ultrashort Laser Pulses, 2006 Szeged, Hungary; P19


K.Mecseki, M.Erdélyi, A.P.Kovács, G.Szabó

Cubic Phase Control of Ultrashort Laser Pulses

Interaction of Atoms, Molecules and plasmas with Intense Ultrashort Laser Pulses, 2006 Szeged, Hungary; P22


G.Szalay, Zs.Heiner, K.Osvay

Ultrafast dispersion measurement of bacterioRhodopsin in near IR

Ultrafast reaction dynamics and applications, European Science Foundation DYNA Programme, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, PP28, 62 (2006)


I.Képíró, K.Osvay, O.Berkesi

Correction of small imperfections on white glazed china surfaces by laser radiation

E-MRS 2006 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, paper H/P1.34


M.Csete, Á.Sipos, A.Kőházi-Kis, Cs.Vass, M.Deli, K.Osvay, O.Marti, Zs.Bor

Protein detection on sub-micrometer polymer gratings generated by UV laser based two-beam interference

EMRS 2006, Nice, France, paper G/PI/16


M.Csete, Á.Sipos, Cs.Vass, V.Megyesi, P.Nagy, K.Osvay, Zs.Bor

Atomic force microscopical and surface plasmon resonance spectroscopical investigation of sub-micrometer metal gratings generated by UV laser based two-beam interference in Au-Ag bimetallic layers

EMRS 2006, Nice, France, paper H/PI/25


K.Osvay, M.P.Kalashnikov

Focusing of high power ultrashort Gaussian pulses: optimal target positioning and temporal contrast

29th ECLIM, Madrid, Spain, 2006, We-4.5


K.Osvay, Á.Börzsönyi., A.P.Kovács, M.P.Kalashnikov,

Pressure dependent dispersion of femtosecond pulses in vacuum beam pipes from 1 bar to 0.01 mbar

29th ECLIM, Madrid, Spain, 2006, WePO-2-3.9


A.Börzsönyi, K.Osvay, A.P.Kovács, M.Görbe, R.Balogh, M.P.Kalashnikov,

Measurement of pressure dependent dispersion of femtosecond pulses in air down to 0.01 mbar

Ultrafast Phenomena 2006, Pacific Grove, California, USA, paper MH21


Z.L.Horváth, A.P.Kovács, Zs.Bor

Distortion of ultrashort pulses caused by aberrations

Ultrafast Phenomena 2006, Pacific Grove, California, USA, paper ThD16


M.Erdélyi, A.P.Kovács, K.Mecseki, G.Szabó

Control of third order dispersion of ultrashort laser pulses

Ultrafast Phenomena 2006, Pacific Grove, California, USA, paper TuG20




K.Osvay, A.Börzsönyi, A.P.Kovács, G.Kurdi, M.Görbe

Dipersion of femtosecond pulses in ambient and low pressure air

CLEO/Europe, EQEC Focus Meeting, 2005, Münich, Germany, paper CF-23-TUE

Osvay, A.P.Kovács, Z.Heiner, M.Csatári, Z.Bor, G.Kurdi, M.Görbe, J.Klebniczki, I.E.Ferincz

A table-top high contrast TW laser system

CLEO/Europe, EQEC Focus Meeting, 2005, Münich, Germany, paper CG-13-TUE


P.Maák, A.Borócsi, L.Jakab, P.Richter G.Kurdi, K.Osvay, A.P.Kovács

Shaping of ultrashort pulses using bulk acousto-optic filter

CLEO/Europe, EQEC Focus Meeting, 2005, Münich, Germany, paper CF-20-TUE


Z.L.Horváth, J.Klebniczki, A.P.Kovács, G.Kurdi

Observation of the boundary wave pulse

CLEO/Europe, EQEC Focus Meeting, 2005, Münich, Germany, paper CF-15-TUE


A.P.Kovács, K.Osvay, G.Kurdi, Z.Bor, M.Görbe, J.Klebniczki

Measurement of the group-delay dispersion of a pulse stretcher-compressor system with two-dimensional spectral interferometry

CLEO/Europe, EQEC Focus Meeting, 2005, Münich, Germany, paper CF-13-TUE


K.Osvay, I.Képíró, M.Csatári

Laser treatment of white china surfaces

E-MRS Spring Meeting, 2005, Strasbourg, France, paper J/P1.35


G.Kurdi, K.Osvay, J.Klebniczki, M.Divall, E.J.Divall, Á.Péter, K.Polgár, J.Bohus

Two-photon-absorption of BBO, CLBO, KDP and LTB crystals

Advanced Solid-State Photonics 2005, Vienna, Austria, MF18




K.Osvay, M.Csatári, I.N.Ross, A.Persson, C.G.Wahlström

On the temporal contrast of high intensity fs laser pulses

28th ECLIM, Rome, Italy, 2004, paper We/O2/4/O


M.Csatári, K.Osvay, J.Klebniczki, G.Kurdi, E.J.Divall, J.Bohus, Á.Péter

Two-photon-absorption of frequency upconverter crystals at 248 nm

28th ECLIM, Rome, Italy, 2004, paper Mo/P/21


K.Osvay, M.Csatári, I.N.Ross, A.Persson, C.G.Wahlström

On the temporal contrast of high intensity fs laser pulses

2nd FemtoMat Conference, Bad Kleinkirchheim, Austria, 2004, paper We 2.




P. Maak, A. Saghy, A. Barocsi, L. Jakab, P. Richter, R. Szipocs, G. Kurdi, A. Kovacs:

Spectrum synthesis for pulse waveform control by means of acousto-optics

Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science XIX Conference, 0ct. 5-9, 2003, Tucson, Arizona


K.Osvay, G.Kurdi, A.P.Kovács, Zs.Heiner, M.Csatári, J.Klebniczki, I.E.Ferincz

Measurment of residual angular dispersion and temporal lengthening of femtosecond pulses due to misalignment of pulse compressors

Ultrafast Optics IV, Vienna, 2003


A.P.Kovács, K.Varjú, G.Kurdi, K.Osvay, Zs.Heiner, J.Klebniczki, M.Csatári

Experimental investigation of angular dispersion in ultrashort pulses having Gaussian spatial profile

Ultrafast Optics IV, Vienna, 2003




K.Osvay, G.Kurdi, J.Klebniczki, M.Csatári, I.N.Ross

Optical parametric amplification of femtosecond pulses at 400 nm

Theory and experiment in ultrafast processes, European Science Foundation ULTRA Programme, Vilamoura, Portugal, PP16, 53-54 (2002)


K.Osvay, G.Kurdi, J.Klebniczki, M.Csatari, I.N.Ross

High gain amplification of femtosecond UV laser pulses

IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland, 2002 (invited), paper MH2


M.Csatári, K.Osvay, J.Klebniczki, G.Kurdi, E.J.Divall

Two-photon absorption measurements in frequency converter crystals for ultraviolet pulses

FemtoMat 2002, Visegrád, Hungary, 2002


K.Osvay, Z.Bor, I.E.Ferincz, J.Hebling, J.Klebniczki, A.P.Kovács, G.Kurdi, I.N.Ross, R.Szipőcs, K.Varjú

Femtosecond laser system providing tuneable UV and high power NIR pulses

FemtoMat 2002, Visegrád, Hungary, 2002


K.Osvay, G.Kurdi, J.Klebniczki, M.Csatári, I.N.Ross

Optical parametric amplification of femtosecond pulses at 400 nm

FemtoMat 2002, Visegrád, Hungary, 2002




K.Varjú, M.Görbe, A.P.Kovács, G.Kurdi, K.Osvay

Increased precision angular dispersion measurements for ultrashort laser pulses

XII. Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy 2001, Florence, Italy, paper P34


K.Osvay, G.Kurdi, J.Klebniczki, M.Csatári, I.N.Ross

Optical parametric amplification of femtosecond pulses at 400 nm

XII. Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy 2001, Florence, Italy, paper P31


K.Osvay, Z.Bor, I.E.Ferincz, J.Hebling, J.Klebniczki, A.P.Kovács, G.Kurdi, I.N.Ross, R.Szipőcs, K.Varjú

A TW laser system with controllable chirp and tuneable UV pulses

XII. Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy 2001, Florence, Italy, paper P30


A.P.Kovács, J.Klebniczki, G.Kurdi, KOsvay

Group delay measurement on a pulse stretcher using spectrally resolved interferometry

XII. Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy 2001, Florence, Italy, paper P28


E.Seres, P.Maak, K.Osvay, A.Barocsi, L.Jakab

Phase compensation of femtosecond laser pulses by non-collinear acoustooptic interaction

Diffractive Optics 2001, Budapest, Hungary, paper P7


K.Osvay, G.Kurdi, J.Klebniczki, M.Csatari, I.N.Ross, E.J.Divall, C.H.J.Hooker, A.J.Langley

Noncollinear optical parametric amplification of femtosecond UV pulses

CLEO/Europe-EQEC Focus Meeting 2001, Munich, Germany, C-PSL 158


K.Osvay, K.Varjú, A.P.Kovács, G.Kurdi

Higher order dispersion control in CPA lasers

Conf. on Lasers and Electro-Optics, 2001, Baltimore, USA, paper CTuM10




K.Osvay, P.Dombi, A.P.Kovács, J.Klebniczki, G.Kurdi, Z.Bor

Tunable third order dispersion of a prismatic pulse compressor

Ultrafast Phenomena XII, Charleston, USA, 2000, paper MF34


K.Osvay, Z.Bor, P.Dombi, I.E.Ferincz, J.Hebling, J.Klebniczki, A.P.Kovács, G.Kurdi, K.Varjú

TeWaTi - a versatile fs laser system with controllable chirp and tuneable UV pulses

1st Gen. Meeting of the ULTRA Programme of ESF, 2000, Coimbra, Portugal, paper 34




G.Kurdi, K.Osvay, Z.Bor, I.Ketskeméty

A high brightness white light source

SPIE 3573 (1998) 17-20


Bor, A. P. Kovács, K. Osvay, and R. Szipőcs:

Measurement of dispersive properties of optical materials and mirrors using spectrally resolved white-light interferometry

SPIE 3359 (1998) 132.


A.P. Kovács, Zs. Bor, and R. Szipőcs:

Reshaping of the spectrally resolved white-light fringes caused by dispersion

SPIE 3573 (1998) 588.


J. A. Fülöp, A. P. Kovács, and Zs. Bor:

Two-pass second harmonic generation of ultrashort pulses

SPIE 3573 (1998) 59.